We have postponed the Event.

INTEGRATE 23 is for CPA’s, Financial & Sustainability Professionals that need to know how to embed ESG into internal decision making and external reporting. 

At Integrate 23 you will learn how to adopt, operationalize, and execute on ESG strategies, addressing 5 core areas, including; governance, risk mitigation, and external reporting and assurance.

Workshop Tracks for CPA’s, Financial & Sustainability Professionals

Attend INTEGRATE 23 Live at Fordham University Gabelli School of Business

Postponed - June 20 & 21, 2023

Sustainable finance uses a multi-capitals “systems” approach and ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) data to inform all decision making around the operations and outputs of a business. Sustainable finance takes into consideration all stakeholders, externalities and impacts that are created in running the business and puts mechanisms and investments in place to support the systems upon which it relies to create its products and services. Sustainable Finance creates protocols to deploy capital into ESG innovation at scale.

SEC Climate Change Disclosure

Final ruling expected in late 2023 - SEC website

The SEC has issued their 510 page Climate Change Disclosure proposal. This is the most complicated SEC ruling since Sarbanes-Oxley, and it is expected to go into effect in late 2023. The SEC ruling is expected to complement existing European Union regulations that apply to all US firms with a presence in European value chains and supply chains.

What is an rCFO?

“rCFO“ stands for a Regenerative CFO who combines ESG and integrated systems thinking into the traditional finance function to inform internal decision making that is both in the best interest of the company AND the environment and society. Our 5-Pillar Regenerative Finance Framework mirrors the TCFD but adds the dimension of Regenerative Financing. This framework is a guide that will help CFOs learn how to design financial systems and allocations to move capital into ESG innovation at scale.


This conference is for CFOs, CSOs, CPAs, Senior Finance, Treasury, Accounting, and IR Professionals who want to learn how to Adopt, Operationalize and Execute on ESG strategies and ESG innovation. We cover Governance & Risk Mitigation, Science & Context Based Goal Setting, Systems Design & Technology Solutions, ESG Operations and Investments, Regenerative Financing, Integrated Reporting which includes the new SEC proposals on Climate (and Human Capital) disclosures.